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8:53 p.m. - 2009-12-19
Went to a really cool Christmas concert tonight. It was really cool. I had asked the man to go but he couldn't as he had to help set something up at the VFW tonight. He apologized. I ended up taking a good friend of mine. But I will admit the whole time I was there I was wishing he was. He said he'd get over to see me this week. He'd better! I just kept wondering what he would think of the show, would he like it? It's crazy I know and it's totally teenagerish of me. Some days I feel like a teenager. It's crazy.

Everybody tells me to just let it be. Take it slow. Let him come around. The guy is busier than a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest. I listened to him call a game the other night on the radio. I will admit, I blushed and smiled every time he said his name. I'm pretty fucked at this point.

If only he was doing the same thing. *sigh*

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