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2:11 p.m. - 2009-12-21
Playin it right
Absence makes the heart grow fonder :) I haven't talked to the man for a few days, ever since he told me he couldn't go to the Christmas thing with me. Well today he messaged me. It was awesome! He told me that he did make arrangements to go and was ready to take his boys to a friend's house to spend the night but one of his sons ended up getting sick and he spent the night with him. It was flattering though, knowing he really did try to get over here. AND he messaged me first :) It makes my day!

So I found some old footage of him from three years ago when he used to be a news anchor. I would be lying if I said I didn't watch any of it. He used to be in TV. Now he's in radio because he said TV was too hard to do with little kids. So I *may* have watched all his videos :) It's just a reminder of what a total catch this man is! Although I suck at playing it cool, somehow I'm doing it and making him miss me :)

Guess I'll hunker down for the holidays and see if we can spend some time together before he leaves on the 30th :)

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